Skye Salud is a Primary Care/Urgent Care that was developed to assist the Hispanic community. They offer Primary Care/ Urgent Care with a full Spanish speaking staff at prices that are reasonable for those without financial security or insurance.
Nosotros is in the process of developing a proposal for the City that may mean availability of properties affected by blight and opportunities for new homeowners to have a stake in the rebuilding process while learning a trade. The goal of this proposal is to transform blighted neighborhoods and provide well-built and safe housing at an affordable cost.
Nosotros works with different partners to provide job placement opportunities in a field that utilize your experience and talents. In addition, we will create apprenticeships that are designed around giving participants actual hands-on construction experience while restoring blight properties. Completed apprenticeships in these fields will transfer into well-paying full-time employment and even entrepreneurship for some.
Everyone’s future is important including you and your children. Nosotros is in the process of developing ideas for providing access to ESL courses and creating apprenticeships and classes as discussed above. Nosotros is also working to establish a school with programs devoted to disadvantaged communities and providing the Head Start program for younger children.