It's never been easier to give back to the Community!

When you donate  to  Nosotros, the funds are used to help disadvantaged members of the community by developing access to social programs, medical, housing, shelter and counseling services.


Be the Local Hero

At Nosotros,

Our mission is to address the needs of Hispanic members of the community by offering access to social programs, medical care, housing, employment opportunities and legal and counseling services. We believe that providing these resources will elevate the whole community by offering employment, affordable housing and reviving these properties. Subsequently, bringing the communities back to life. Our programs available for anyone who is disadvantaged.

Our vision is to empower and promote community building.

Interested In Becoming
A Volunteer?

Here are current openings volunteer openings at Nosotros.

We rely on the generosity of  our volunteers to help us achieve our goals. We are grateful for each volunteer’s passion for our mission and desire to support those in need.

Language Learning 81%
Job Placement 65%
Education 92%
Shelter 84%

Make A Donation

Your donation helps change lives.

Whose life will you transform?

We rely on the generosity of sponsors to help us achieve our goals.

Support by Volunteering

Take action by contributing your talents.

Attend Events

Have fun while helping those in need.

It's not just a donation.You are investing in restoring our communities.
Robert Tate
CEO & Founder